If you are looking for another Pacman Clone, you found it! But wait, this one is still slightly different than all the other ones! (Don't know what Pacman is? Well, take a look here.)
How is this version different? Well, you really should play it to find out yourself. But, essentially, this one will have you playing in a team with 2 other players trying to eat Pacmen from an other team. Each team is part of a cyclic food chain, that restricts what team can eat what other team. All the while, the eaten Pacmen become ghosts, trying to capture Pacmen from all teams!
We are a group of students that are part of the Video Game Development Club at the University of California, Irvine. We are doing this both as a learning experience and for fun. Here are the team members:
When we have downloads available, they will be placed here. Meanwhile, for now you can look over some of the source code being worked on here.